You are currently viewing ODroid Cloudshell 2 (Part 2) – Software & Configuration

ODroid Cloudshell 2 (Part 2) – Software & Configuration

Welcome to Part 2 of the Cloudshell videos, in this part we configure the software required to get this bad boy ready to accept and serve files. There are a couple of routes we can go for software, basic Linux (Ubuntu) or OMV (Open Media Vault) and of course I chose to set this up using Ubuntu.

The idea is to have a 12TB NAS Server using 2x6TB Hard Drives, and since the ODroid XU4 is the brains of the operation, we should be able to achieve gigabit speed or about 110MB/s.

For this I have compiled a set of instructions that I cover in the video,and they are below.

Instructions taken from

Download The Image


Decompress the Image

unxz ubuntu-16.04.2-minimal-odroid-xu4-20170516.img.xz

Insert the memory and check for its path

sudo fdisk -l

Unmount the disk for good measure

sudo umount /dev/path/of/card

Copy the image using DD and sync on finish

sudo dd if=ubuntu-16.04.2-minimal-odroid-xu4-20170516.img of=/dev/path/of/card bs=1M conv=fsync && sudo sync

Add your memory to the XU4

Set your RAID Mode according to the diagram (for me it’s RAID0)

Power on the CS2 and wait a minute or two and power it off

Use Angry IP Scanner to find the IP of your CS2

SSH in and update

ssh root@
password: odroid
apt-get update && apt-get upgrade && apt-get dist-upgrade

Check kernel version with

uname -r

If the kernel was held back at 4.9 run

apt-get install linux-image-xu3

Now we want to install the FAN and LCD packages. So first we add the repository where we can find the software.

add-apt-repository ppa:kyle1117/ppa

Next update your sources

apt-get update

Now we install FAN software and reboot (you will have to SSH back into the ODroid again)

apt-get install odroid-cloudshell cloudshell2-fan && reboot

Install the LCD package and reboot (you will have to SSH back into the ODroid again)

apt-get install cloudshell-lcd && reboot

Now check for your disks and find path

fdisk -l

Zero out the drive and format with ext4

dd if=/dev/zero of=/dev/path/of/drive bs=512 count=1
mkfs.ext4 /dev/sda

create a mountpoint

mkdir -p /media/hdd

Open fstab to Make the disk mount on every boot

nano /etc/fstab

add to the bottom

/dev/path/of/drive /media/hdd ext4 defaults 0 1

Create a new account called cloudshell

echo “/bin/false” >> /etc/shells
useradd cloudshell -d /media/hdd -s /bin/false
passwd cloudshell
(Set the password of cloudshell)

take ownership and change permissions of the mounted drives

chown cloudshell.cloudshell –R /media/hdd/
chmod 755 -R /media/hdd/

install samba

apt-get install samba

edit the smb.conf file

nano /etc/samba/smb.conf

at the top under [global] add

write cache size = 524288
getwd cache = yes
use sendfile = yes
min receivefile size = 16384

at the bottom add

comment = CloudShell-2 File Server
path = /media/hdd
guest ok = yes
browseable = yes
create mask = 0644
directory mask = 0755
read only = no
writable = yes
force user = cloudshell


I had to go back and run the ownership and permissions commands again to enable writing. So to do that use the following
chown cloudshell.cloudshell –R /media/hdd/ && chmod 755 -R /media/hdd/